join us!
We can't do it alone,
we need your help!
YBI Basel runs on the power of volunteers.
how to get involved

tag us on instagram
We'd love to see your photos of Basel! Tag us @ybibasel or use the hashtag #ybibasel
write a blurb
Short and sweet. Know a great restaurant? Gone on an awesome day or weekend trip that's within 3 hrs of Basel? Found an awesome club or Verein? Tell us about it. Please include any relevant links so people can re-create your experience. We will be sure to credit anything you submit. Contact us
write a article
Want to take it to the next level? Write an article for us. Got some German learning tips? Know where to find the best Schoggiweggli? Know the secrets of the Basilisk? We are open to ideas. Get in touch and let's get something started. We are open to cross promotion and you are welcome to post your article on your own site as well. Check out our Article Guidelines for details.
Be Featured in an Article
We are happy to feature community organizations in Basel in our 'Introducing' series of articles. See an example here. Please contact us for more information.
Explore a Neighbourhood
Explore Basel on foot and discover all its hidden secrets! Together we will walk a chosen neighbourhood highlighting the great restaurants, shopping, things to do as well as essential city services. The walking part usually takes 2-3 days, and then we divide up the highlights and write the blurbs independently. Interested people must commit to completing a neighbourhood. Examples can be found here.
Research Basel's History
Find out some interesting facts about Basel and have them featured on our Facebook and Instagram. See some examples here.
collaborate with us
Do you have a business, club or blog and want to do a project with YBI Basel? Let's work together and come up with something great! We are open to ideas so drop is a line.